Monday, April 30, 2012

Use Your Spare Change to Make Your iPhone Stand Up With the Coin 4 Case

The Coin 4 iPhone lets you use your spare change as improvised device stand.

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3 Things You Need to Know About HIPAA

The law which revolutionized the health care system of the United States of America, known as the Health Insurance Probability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), was passed on August 21, 1996. This act benefited the country by leaps and bounds in terms of excellent health security by categorizing the health plans systematically.  The act was brought in to regulate the working of the healthcare bodies, maintain accountability of the healthcare providers and the insurance houses and protect the interests and the privacy of the patients.

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Toshiba's New Satellite Laptops to Use Upcoming Intel, AMD Chips

Toshiba on Tuesday announced Satellite laptops starting at US$399 that will have upcoming processors from Intel and Advanced Micro Devices, which are due to...

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Why Producing Natural Rubber Still Matters

That attitude is understandable, but inaccurate. As the infant automobile industry began to expand, most of the tires for new vehicles were made from vulcanized rubber. Wartime trade disruptions sparked development of practical rubber replacements derived from petroleum products, and the later introduction of radial tire technology further decreased demand.

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

5 Important Points About the HIPAA Training

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 of the United States is a federal law brought into practice to regulate the working of healthcare providers and insurance providers. It protects the insurance and medical information of patients and employees. In order to understand the proper working of the law and its benefits, HIPAA training is conducted.

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How Five Tech Companies Will Go Green for Earth Day

Long-life light bulbs, eco-friendly smartphones, and easier ways to shop for earth-friendly cars are some of the green projects tech companies will show off this Earth Day.

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Apple v. Samsung: 50 suits, 10 countries -- and counting

One year ago this month the two companies locked horns over patents, and their legal fight has since extended around the globe. It will apparently even bring the two CEOs face-to-face in May.

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Make and Send Truly Heartfelt Valentine Greeting Cards

Using your own digital images to make greeting cards allows you to create cards which are genuinely heartfelt and truly personal. These are the basic requirements of the very best Valentine greeting cards, and making them yourself allows you to ensure they meet these requirements.

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Medicare Supplemental Insurance - Offering Peace of Mind

Anyone looking for peace of mind can find it with Medicare supplemental insurance. Information is king and finding the right information makes a big difference in how people live their lives. Everyone knows that it is impossible to put a price on good health. Receiving the best insurance policy possible is the best ways to ensure that all your needs are met. Every individual has different needs and it is important to find a policy that can offer the best fit.

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Godzilla's Got Nothing on Live Monster Wrestling

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Sync Your Android Tablet with Your PC

Ready to stock your tablet with music, videos, and other goodies from your PC? Here are your options.

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Unique Easter Basket Concepts

With the Easter holiday coming quickly most mom and dad are pondering about what to fit in their young children's Easter baskets. Listed here are some fantastic ideas to add some Easter fun in your youngster's Easter basket and spare the added dentist's go to.

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Zero Dollar Medical Insurance Co-Payment for Doctor Visits and Prescriptions

Many people think that they need low co-payments for doctor visits to have good health insurance. What they don't realize is that having a low co-payment seems like a good idea, but it could end up costing much more over time. If your medical expenses are tied to a deductible and co-insurance then there may be a way to get doctor visits and prescription drugs for nothing.

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Valentine's Day Is a Global Holiday for Giving Gifts - But the Gifts May Be Different

Are you ready for Valentine's Day? Have you bought for that special someone a perfect heart shaped gift, a box of special chocolates, heart shaped jewelry, a bouquet of flowers and a handwritten card espousing your eternal love. Isn't this what most women want and even secretly expect to receive from the man in their life? That seems to be the universal custom in Northern America.

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Facts On Cheap Young Driver Car Insurance

Insurance companies consider young drivers a much bigger risk than drivers who have driven vehicles for years and therefore they charge accordingly. As per the statistics, young drivers are mostly involved in a higher number of accidents in the first year of their driving than other first time older drivers which makes their insurance policies more expensive. But there are cheap policies out there for you if you shop around.

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My Mother's Self-Sufficient Life Even Without Her Sight

My interest in Home Care started with an unpleasant memory: my mother's depression and partial blindness, I could not do anything but quietly stand behind her. Fortunately, her depression eventually got better after learning how to deal with blindness.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Managing Your Cholesterol Level

High cholesterol does not cause any symptoms, so people can have excessively high levels without knowing it. High blood cholesterol (defined as a level 240 mg/dL?or higher) is among the most important risk factor for developing heart disease.

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If Money Can Be Saved Then Go For It With An Affordable Health Plan

When it comes to affordable health plans there is one way to maximize your benefits and minimize your costs. There really is a way for you as a business owner to own your own health benefit plan and deduct your medical costs from your business income.

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SpaceX launch to space station on hold pending final tests

Space Exploration Technologies says it will delay its first commercial cargo flight to the International Space Station by about a week to give engineers more time to complete testing and analysis.

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4 Common Violations of HIPAA

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 of the United States came into existence to protect the health and insurance interests of the American citizens. The act was framed to provide employees and their families insurances, protect confidential medical and personal information, give the patients power to control their personal and medical information and protect their insurance during the event of job change. It brings transparency into the insurance system and makes the insurance houses and healthcare facilities more accountable.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How Five Tech Companies Will Go Green for Earth Day

Long-life light bulbs, eco-friendly smartphones, and easier ways to shop for earth-friendly cars are some of the green projects tech companies will show off this Earth Day.

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Robots Featured in New App Store

If you want to waltz with your Roomba or remotely control your flying AR Droid, there's a new app store that has the tools you need.

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Valentine's Day With Strangers

Are you anti-Valentine's Day? Or, would you like to something non-traditional on this day of hearts and flowers? You may be surprised at how easy it can be to enjoy this day with strangers!

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Tips For Planning A Child's Birthday Menu

The foods you select to serve at a birthday party for a child is important for your guests' enjoyment. This is especially true when it comes to the choices you make for children. You may a picky eater on the guest list or one who has allergies to certain foods.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Macs More Likely to Carry Windows Malware Than Mac Malware, Study Finds

One in five Mac computers is likely to carry Windows malware, but only one in 36 is likely to be infected with malware specifically designed for the Mac OS X...

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